Finding the Magic of Menopause

Finding the Magic of Menopause

Would you believe that in the U.S. over two million women reach menopause every year?  If you’re one of these women, you know first-hand what a crazy ride it can be.  If you’ve just started to notice small changes, or you’ve been living with symptoms for years, menopause may feel like something to be dreaded rather than embraced.

It doesn’t have to be that way says Lorraine Miano.  “Menopause can be magical.  It can be your freedom years.  This, more than any time in your life, is yours to embrace and celebrate.”

Lorraine is an integrative holistic health coach certified in hormone health and the author of the bestselling book “The Magic of Menopause: A Holistic Guide to Get your Happy Back!

Lorraine reached out to me in September 2019 after she discovered Hot Girls Pearls.  Since we both have the same goal of trying to help menopausal women feel better both inside and out, it’s been a perfect fit.

I recently had the opportunity to ask Lorraine some questions about her journey, her book, a unique perimenopausal summit, and her thoughts about how the stress of the past 6 months can affect menopausal women.

What led you to focus on Menopause?

As I was raising my family, I became very health conscious for the well-being of my children. When my husband was diagnosed with an aggressive tonsil cancer (he is an 18-year survivor!), and my two daughters were diagnosed with Celiac Disease, I knew we had to kick it up a notch. This is when I discovered that food really is medicine.  How what we put in our mouths is either preventing or creating disease.

Lorraine Miano smiling

At the age of 55, I was introduced to the health coach certification program at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (they invented “the health coach”), which is the largest nutrition school in the world.  I knew it was my calling. 

I began my practice coaching women for their health concerns. What I soon discovered, was that the majority of these women were in their perimenopause years, and were not getting the help they needed from their healthcare providers. They were confused, misinformed and harbored so many misconceptions about “Menopause”.  

As a post-menopausal woman myself, I understood their struggles. I decided to go back to school, and received my certification in hormone health from IIN.  This allowed me to concentrate on supporting and guiding these women as they navigated what I refer to as their magical years.  I am currently studying to become a certified aromatherapist, in order to support these women further using essential oils for hormone balance.

Talk about your book, and the journey you took to write it.

Writing was always something I’ve enjoyed. Becoming a published author was on my bucket list from the time I was in high school.  Once I became a menopause coach, I knew what that book should be about. I actually took a book writing course through IIN, where my book The Magic of Menopause: A Holistic Guide to Get Your Happy Back! evolved. I ended up being a winner of one of the Top Ten Books in the course. Yay!

Lorraine Miano: The Magic of Menopause: A Holistic Guide to Get Your Happy Back!

With so many women being dismissed by their doctors when they sought help for their symptoms, as well as the myths and misconceptions that surround menopause, I knew I needed to provide support and encouragement for these ladies. I wanted it to be in the narrative style, rather than a medical textbook, to make it a more enjoyable read. Along with information on dealing with symptoms of hormone imbalances, I also share the stories of real women, recipes, encouragement and even have space for journaling. I feel so fortunate that it is listed on the North American Menopause Society’s website (menopause.org), has been a #1 Best Seller on Amazon, and was rated a Top Ten book on Menopause by The London Evening Standard.  I plan on writing another book this coming year!

Tell me about the Perimenopause Summit. Will you do it again?

Last year I connected with an AWESOME woman in the UK, Emily Barclay. She is one of those perimenopausal women who was not receiving the care she so desired. She took it upon herself to create The Perimenopause Hub, where women could connect with professionals specifically providing support for perimenopause. Her passion and purpose matched my own, and when she invited me to become an “expert” on the hub, I agreed whole heartedly. 

The Perimenopause Summit is an online event created by Emily. She gathered a group of wonderful health professionals, from coaches to gynecologists, who shared their knowledge on a plethora of topics specifically geared to women in their peri/menopause years.

I believe Emily will be making this a biannual event. The next is scheduled for October 2020. I will most definitely be participating in the future. This summit is a great way for women to feel connected to others who are having the same experiences, while receiving knowledge and resources to help them on their menopause journey.

How do you think stress and anxiety affect menopause, especially during this pandemic a lot of people are on edge?

Thank you for asking this question. On a daily basis, women are contacting me concerned with the anxiety and panic attacks that they are experiencing. These can be a common (although not normal) occurrence, especially during the perimenopause years. Fluctuating hormones can affect mood leading to anxiety and depression. Add in the pandemic and that anxiety is elevated. This can make other menopause symptoms, such as hot flashes and insomnia even worse. Being a holistic health coach, I offer suggestions on ways women can combat the anxiety and depression naturally.

Lorraine Miano in green dress

For many women, a diet high in processed foods can contribute to these imbalances, so eliminating the junk and boosting whole foods is a great place to start. Pump up the greens and healthy fats (good for the brain)! Exercise is so important for boosting those happy hormones. Something as simple as a 20-minute walk when you are feeling anxious could act in much the same way as a Xanax.

There are wonderful supplements called adaptogen herbs that can help as well. Two of my favorites are Maca Root and Ashwagandha (always check with your healthcare provider before beginning any supplementation) Finally, deep breathing exercises and meditation are two scientifically proven methods to reduce anxiety and provide a more relaxed state. Of course, if symptoms are severe, please seek help from a professional.

I encourage women to be positive about the menopause years. These can be the very best years of their lives. Remember, Menopause is NOT an ending. It IS a new beginning!

Want to get in touch?

You can find out more about Lorraine at:


or tag Lorraine at: 

FB: https://www.facebook.com/TheMagicOfMenopause/

IG: https://www.instagram.com/themagicofmenopause/

Hot Girls Pearls and Menopause

Since hot flashes are one of the most common but can be one of the most frustrating menopausal symptoms, Hot Girls Pearls is your answer.  Originally created specifically for hot flashes, our freezable cooling jewelry is the perfect remedy whenever you feel a hot flash coming on.  

But don’t take our word for it, these 4 women each have their own story We were delighted to find the humorous side and at the same time understand the real struggles that hot flashes can cause.

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